SAKURAクラブ シーズン2 最終Giveaway
🌸SAKURA club is pleased to announce the Final Giveaway event of Season2.
【How to join Event? 参加するためには】
To join the Giveaway, you must join Club SAKURA in-game and
get a registration approval on SAKURA’s official Discord.
If you have not yet registered for Discord please click on the link below
【Event Overview イベント概要】
This giveaway is divided into two categories.
1⃣Lucky Number Prize ラッキーナンバー賞
6 winners 当選者6名🚀
2⃣Raffle Prizes 抽選賞
40 winners 当選者40名🚀🚀🚀
【1⃣ Lucky Number Prize ラッキーナンバー賞】
Prizes will be given for specific numbers in the final ranking in–CLUB of the season.
No. 4 150BUSD✨
No.11, No.21 100BUSD✨
No.22 50BUSD🎉
No.51, No.71 15BUSD🎉
【2⃣ Raffle Prizes 抽選賞】
Drawing will be done by GiveawayBOT in SAKURA Discord.
There will be 40 winners.
SAKURA Discord内のGiveawayBOTで抽選します。
The amount of prize money the winner will receive depends on the final ranking in-CLUB of the season.
・If the winner was in the Top 10 当選者が10位以内だった場合ー70BUSD
・If the winner was in the Top 20 当選者が20位以内だった場合ー50BUSD
・If the winner was in the Top 50 当選者が50位以内だった場合ー40BUSD
・If the winner was in the Top 100 当選者が100位以内だった場合ー30BUSD
・If the winner was in the Top 200 当選者が200位以内だった場合ー20BUSD
・If the winner is below the 200th place 当選者が201位以下だった場合ー10BUSD
In the Giveaway channel of the SAKURA Discord, click the icon🎉 under the BOT to finish registration.
SAKURA DiscordのGiveawayチャンネルで、BOTの下のアイコン🎉をクリックすれば参加登録終了です。

【Proof of Rank 順位の証明】
When the season is over, you will receive the season record in your personal screen => score history.

Do not publish this score sheet on social networking sites, as it will be used as proof for receiving rewards from the club.
Good Luck!!!🎉🎉🎉
【Registration Period 登録期間】
Please check the date and time marked on GiveawayBOT .